And this is the real crux of the issue. If there are no penalties for ignoring the court order, then we have already entered the “we need to start lighting dome-topped buildings on fire” phase of protests. Because if the judicial branch is truly being ignored, then there is nothing to stop it from escalating to straight up “Secret Police disappearing citizens in the dark of night for having dissenting opinions” levels.
If no consequence comes for not following court order it wouldn’t matter if you were Hunter Biden, they could deport you and no one could stop them.
And this is the real crux of the issue. If there are no penalties for ignoring the court order, then we have already entered the “we need to start lighting dome-topped buildings on fire” phase of protests. Because if the judicial branch is truly being ignored, then there is nothing to stop it from escalating to straight up “Secret Police disappearing citizens in the dark of night for having dissenting opinions” levels.
One important thing for people to think about right now is “what happens when other countries don’t accept deportees?”
They start to stack up. Housing, feeding, and guarding “dangerous undesirables” is expensive.
Surely, it would be patriotic to save your country money…
It might be too late. It might not, who’s to say. Videos from this weekend have a very familiar ring to them though.