Following video of thelinuxexperiment and all the news against mozilla.
I finally switched to librewolf completely.
I exported and imported all kind of data too.

But I want to use ffsync only to keep my mobile (android) in sync with my pc (want to sync history also so flocuss etc will not work)
So I want to enable ffsync in librewolf

I have seen faq but as mozilla recently introduced their terms of usage (and all the hate against it)
Is it still private enough to use ffsync? what can be downsides?

      • No idea - this is my firefox sync NixOS config, in its entirety:

          age.secrets.ffsync.rekeyFile = secrets.ffsync;
          services.firefox-syncserver = {
            enable = true;
            secrets = config.age.secrets.ffsync.path;
            settings.hostname = "localhost";
            singleNode = {
              enable = true;
              hostname = "";
              capacity = 2;
        • tiz
          110 days ago

          I wonder if it still needs account management on Mozilla server or on your own. May I?

          • Yeaaaaaaahh the auth thing is really, really complicated to selfhost. There’s a docker project out there that apparently makes it possible, but… No idea. FOr the time being I still use FF’s auth - that’s still an improvement though: Mozilla knows that I am logging in / from what kind of device, but not the content or amount of what I sync.

    • checksoutOP
      111 days ago

      Can I self host it from termux for localhost only?? Without need of domain and other resources??

      • Probably… I mean, I’d at least start it in a systemd service, but sure, you don’t need a domain.

        But of course your mobile won’t be able to access that domain outside your network