Red Bull - European but Far right

Buy European but … Also with ethical considerations.

Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, … If there is a conspiracy they support it …

(And it’s also not very healthy,…)

  • oce 🐆
    1316 days ago

    It’s normal to expect from OP to provide source for their claim.

        6 days ago

        They asked for more information about a topic in which they were interested, on a forum designed to spread information. I don’t think you can reasonably fault the person asking for more information of being lazy, when the OP could be considered equally lazy for not including the context in the first place, right?

        Either way you’re right, being able to look things up is a good skill to have! But maybe don’t be a jerk about it, we left reddit for a reason, right? ;)

        • chingadera
          115 days ago

          Welcome to the spot, you’re absolutely right and the world could use more people that think like you.

          For real, keep being you at all costs, you’re awesome.

      • htrayl
        196 days ago

        Lets say 5000 people see this post - should it be normal and expected that 5000 people spend their time hunting down a source to a claim, or have a single OP include it in their post?

      • Lord Wiggle
        146 days ago

        No one said they’re unable to research, asking for a source is normal imo. Supporting claims with sources in the first place would be better, the internet is overrun by fake news and lies. Most don’t take the time to research everything they see online. It’s simply a big researchers team’s full time job to research everything you see scrolling 10 minutes on any platform. So when stating a claim or posting a story, you should support it with sources or otherwise you should be asked to do so.

      • gon [he]
        96 days ago

        Why would you assume they aren’t able? They just said they’d like more information, not that they can’t go get it themselves…