Funny story, friend and I were just talking last night about how Java 8 is still used everywhere.

  • Baldur Nil
    36 days ago

    Even if it was, there’s no way to know, people can just lie. It’s not like it will be obvious, some people might have a feeling it is (based on their experience playing with LLMs) but won’t be able to point exactly why.

      45 days ago

      That is exactly the point, and I wouldn’t be surprised if soon there is more money to be made “certifying works made without AI” than there is selling API tokens for LLMs, i.e. the OpenAI business model (although I have no idea of what the technical implementation would look like, perhaps a mix of secure enclave computing offering only a predefined set of capabilities barred from AI, combined with a blockchain to persist and distribute the reference and hash of the works done? More to the tally of GenAI being a net loss for humanity).