And no, I am not alt of anyone here, so I’m not just trying to inflate the numbers of the defense. The admins of can attest to this if they have my IP address, as admins in the days of old forums used to have (I would be really, really surprised if they didn’t and couldn’t provide it). Neither do I use a VPN. I am too poor for those. That hasn’t, however, stopped me from being dragged into this mess for good by the peoples’ infamous chancellor Davel, who it seems isn’t new to doxxing either (though the random lying is new, if that is to be believed), or LGBT-phobia, which I would like to expose because me and the subject previously discussed the suicide of someone else who recently was dragged into this mess, all because people didn’t like that they, too, were defending (which they expressed with empathy towards his transphobic boyfriend), so as long as everyone wants to expose LGBT-phobes.

It disheartens me this is the info I will be starting with, assuming I get to be questioned. As someone who is LGBT, would I be wrong in saying people potentially have blood on your hands here (it should be noted people have been asking everyone to defederate from for a long, long time, and there were many chances for everyone to do so, and if there’s anyone here I feel uncomfortable around, it’s Davel and the people he is now helping)? Ironically this person who died was someone the accusers didn’t mind using to attack ShinigamiOokamiRyuu when it suited them (and still suits them as long as people aren’t smart enough analyze things, which is why those who get dragged in use so many links that Ganondorf would be scared) when it made them look bad, with nobody wanting to acknowledge they forgave ShinigamiOokamiRyuu until they died from transphobia at the hands of the same accusers, who were censoring him for defending ShinigamiOokamiRyuu and siding with the transphobic boyfriend, which weighed on him because his mother recently died too. Some people totally do have blood on their hands, and these kind of impulses by the people can be manipulated to serve something undesirable.

These “exposés” come from a triad of new users (suspicious much? The second person mentions a previous alt somewhere but I forgot the name.) who have been known to engage in this smear campaign against this person, ShinigamiOokamiRyuu, all across the web, for things that happened a long time ago on websites far, far away. I actually wasn’t interested in this conflict until I got dragged in and saw the death of a fellow trans person, and I certainly wouldn’t want to be mixed in with these types of accusations just for talking to someone a certain way. The moral of the story seems that if you want innocent people to be accused of things, accuse them of being people who are already accused of things. Then it’s alright, right? Right? People who actually ethically analyze what is going on will be bothered by this, and someone mentioned had told at one point that the best thing to do is to leave these matters up to the people in charge, but clearly this hasn’t helped anyone except those willing to take advantage of that.

    12 days ago

    Just so people are aware, OP is a sockpuppet account of a persistent transphobic troll known as Call Me Lenny/Leni or shinigamiookamiryuu that has spread Nazi apologia. Their history of malicious behavior goes back 5+ years all the way up to now. There’s also evidence of them grooming a minor on Deviantart, impersonating the people who called them out, and they play the victim by calling it “slander” and then attempt to gaslight and manipulate people (and mods) once the proof is shown. They recently got permabanned from several communities by an admin (and then deliberately over-simplified what the admin said to try and seem innocent).

    They have also created a ! community.

    This is a community where those who seek to be manipulative or discuss manipulation can come to discuss themselves and ways they bent norms and rules. If that sounds crazy to you, there is a rationale and it isn’t necessarily illegal or immoral, in fact it’s arguably the opposite. Suppose you live in a world where you are everyone’s target, and they’re willing to engage in hypocrisy if it means fulfilling this. You cannot fight back, you are only one individual and you will lose. You cannot leave. You cannot stand to sit through it. What do you do? You find loopholes and put their tactics in such a position that they are fooled or swayed against each other. Imagine there are anonymous reporters who falsely report both SWAT and the CPS on you. Though this example is borderline illegal, as is reporting them on you, a machiavellian is the one who puts them in a position where they meet up in your home and go after each other. Machiavellianism is the martial arts of the mind, the Karate Kid for people who cannot rely on their bodies. Please note that, in order to honor Lemmy, anything that’s actually aligned with criminality will be banned, as will the posters.

    Lemmy had an outage a few hours ago, and Lenny/Leni is sending themselves anonymous asks on their blog (a blog they spam a lot on each of their accounts) and agreeing with themselves that the outage was caused by the admins that banned them.

    Them downplaying Elon Musk’s Nazi salutes by comparing it to Pokemon + them saying the AfD Party aren’t pro Nazi

    Them defending drawn CP on Discord:

    Them telling a trans person to kill themselves after calling them a slur (they pretend to be a trans ally in public):

    Them grooming someone who they knew was only 14 on their permabanned Triagonal account on DeviantArt (they include a link to their Triagonal account on their Call Me Lenny/Leni account, in their bio):

    Evidence the screenshots are genuine

    Call Me Lenny/Leni claims to be a transphobia victim, even though they have stated in a two-day old Reddit comment that they are “non-trans”.

    They are accusing people of being transphobic to them because evidence has also been uncovered that Call Me Lenny/Leni might not be who they say they are.

    They also claim to have met Kim Jong Un on World of Tanks.

    • Call me Lenny/Leni
      -612 days ago

      If you or anyone would just see what the OP has to say, they’d see that the whole point of what they’re saying is that, one, they’re not related to me, and two, that even the few things you are right about happened a long time ago outside the bounds of the local TOS and in circumstances which (at this time) have been reconciled.

      We discussed all of that earlier in response to when it was last parroted, with much of the charges being cleared already in both private discussions with admins and in public, with you just parroting at this point. Even what you’re responding to touches upon that, but I doubt you hear what people have to say before trying to leech your slander onto what they’re saying.

      The part about my transphobia has been discussed and I was cleared of that first; it would be your turn to answer for your own, considering what the person you’re responding to has to say.

      We spoke of the stuff I said in the art community, and those whom I’ve spoken to about it don’t consider it as personality-defining as you claim considering its setting, considering the time, place, and circumstances they took place in.

      We are about to talk about the claims of me promoting illegal material, which I wasn’t doing in that image (what I was doing was defending someone from claims that the person I was speaking to was going to call the authorities on them, which in their country does not apply to “drawn” material).

      We did not discuss the so-called “Nazi apologia” or what you claim is impersonation, perhaps because it’s a meta-perspective in the former’s case (you don’t know German law/culture/history at all if you are going to try to hammer that point out of spite).

      We are literally settling this as you speak and are at the negotiating table (whether or not I feel it should be a matter we must bring to said table). Meanwhile you are spamming the process by continuing to take anything I’ve ever said, whether recent and within a decade’s range, and trying to spin it. Most places would unban those who have been banned as long ago as you are pulling things from. Can you say “stalker”?

      Of note, the anon is not me; not every anon is me (are we forgetting this is the same community whose rule enforcers often say they can only take guesses about who people are), and I was telling that anon I’d check with the admins elsewhere about that rumor.

      Your witch hunting wherever anyone you dislike steps foot is getting ridiculous, especially considering your history and especially considering several people, including high ranking people, low ranking people, and senior members, have been accused of being me so far, including people like Candyman337 who is well-known as someone who helps out in the groups. Though there will be varying degrees in the validity people think you have, an increasing number of us are beginning to see your slander campaign for what it is.

      The people you bring up towards the end aren’t even me, and never have I claimed they are me (and one of them just parrots what you are saying here). People shouldn’t have to tell you when something is excessive like this. Leave us alone!