Amazon is consolidating its grocery business after a rough couple of years for its physical retail stores. The company told Marketplace in a statement it’s eliminating “a very small number” of jobs across teams working on Amazon Go convenience stores and Amazon Fresh grocery stores.

    1814 days ago

    If they’re talking about Whole Foods, it’s because you walk in there, and you’re like “ok, let me get some chicken, let me get some porkchops, and let me get some cereal.”

    The prices on all that shit is INSANE. I saw a 5 pack of pork chops for $19. Then I walked over to the chicken. $22. Then I walked over to the cereal. $8.

    Total money I spent that day: $0.

    Total times I’ve been back since: 0.

    These companies have lost sight long ago on the fact that you can do all the bullshit in the world to improve behind the scenes processes, but if people walk in and see THOSE prices, when aldis sells the same chicken for $8, porkchops for $6, and cereal for $3? Fuck it. I don’t give a shit if your chickens are cruelty free grassfed. I’ll kick a chicken and fart in their mouth right now if it means food is cheaper! People out here having to choose between food or rent. Yeah, the high price businesses will suffer. The cheap businesses will flourish.

      1314 days ago

      I’ll kick a chicken and fart in their mouth right now if it means food is cheaper!

      my man are you aware of plants? try some goddamn beans instead of farting into chickens. do not eat the beans if you’re set on the farting thing though. don’t want to make this worse.

        213 days ago

        Eating more beans and lentils has saved me a butt load of money. Tofu too but price of soybeans might be going up soon so who knows how long that’ll last.