They call it a common gesture of courtesy to inform people that your home would offer itself to those fleeing some kind of devastation (oppressive regimes, abuse, earthquakes, etc.). However, most people don’t end up in that kind of humanitarian role. What’s the closest you have come?

    13 days ago

    My partner and I have hosted many many people through our home(s) in various states of flourishing or floundering. We recently had one of our best friends commit suicide, after they came to stay with us from having a previous attempt. That was january(link). I wish we could have done so much more. We also caught the falling knives of spousal abuse, homelessness, extreme PTSD (like relationship ending bad, from their time in Iraq).

    We’ve made it known to some of our circles that if need be, that we will shelter them with no questions asked, even if that means breaking the law. This includes lgbt+, greencard and other visa holders, including certain middle eastern identities that are being particularly targeted at the moment, and especially them because we know they are going to be directly targeted. We’ll probably become targeted ourselves, primarily because of our roles in science and politics, but eh. Can’t be helped.

    We don’t have a choice other than to be better people than we were raised by this society to be in this moment. We had the grace of time to prepare for this moment and we gave the reigns to feckless and worthless tenders. We’re all suffering the failure of that moment, the moment where the American people needed to demand better from their political estate and chose not to.

    But here we are. Ours is not to question why, ours is but to do or die.