My one vice is diet caffeine free coke, I’m so rock and roll. Trying to find a UK/EU alternative I keep finding almost all drink brands are owned by Coke or Pepsi. These companies which originated in the USA have entities in the EU, which complicates the decision. Can anyone recommend a wholly UK(ideally) or EU alternative that’s reasonably priced?

    610 days ago

    To copy my comment from here

    Austria has a quite big drinks economy for being a small-ish country. Now I havent tried each of these yet, but here are a few brands:

    • Keli is one of the most well-known lemonade/soda brands and has a Cola flavour drink
    • Frucade is a good german-austrian lemonade brand, but has no Cola drink
    • “Tirola Kola” from Tyrol
    • Pedacola from Upper Austria (weirdly enough not a black colour)
    • “Murelli Dracola” from Styria (yes, a Dracula pun since this region allegedly inspired the story)
    • “Strizzi Cola” from Salzburg