I’m not willing to pay for premium streaming without ads, but I would pay a little more to only have ads without dogs if it meant I wouldn’t have to deal with my dogs trying to kill my TV.

  • @JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
    311 days ago

    Can we get ads without doorbells or knocking, too, for the same reason?

    Oh and police sirens. Especially on the radio.

    • The one device I think that would have sold well, which I’ve never seen, is an audio-out volume normalizer. Ads being broadcast at 2x the volume of content is what drove me away from broadcast TV, and is still a major reason why I use ad blockers.

      I wouldn’t necessarily skip the sponsored ad content in most YT videos since they’re mostly the same volume by the same content creator, and people gotta pay bills. But the most effective ad blocker I’m using also skips sponsored content, and I don’t think I can disable that without turning off all ad blocking.

      Incidentally, and vaguely related, I went on a Heilung (band) kick and bought several of their albums only to discover that I can only listen to it in headphones because they use a lot of animal sounds, like wolves, growling, and yowling, and it freaks the shit out of my cats.