Just some additional advertising for todays boycott.

  • @Vespair@lemm.ee
    5318 days ago

    If your protest is convenient it’s a shitty protest. I’m sorry, but this is a shitty protest.

    • @MIDItheKID@lemmy.world
      2518 days ago

      That an corporations don’t care about their daily numbers unless they are trending. Like, people won’t buy stuff today, so they will just go buy the stuff tomorrow. Monthly and quarterly profits took no hit.

      • @Vespair@lemm.ee
        1118 days ago

        Fully agree. While I wholeheartedly support the intent of this protest, it is entirely performative for the sake of the participants, not for the sake of actually affecting change.

        • @MrMcGasion@lemmy.world
          618 days ago

          Gotta start somewhere with people. The point is that anyone can do this, and it’s easy to do, but it isn’t really any more difficult to show up to a town hall. And while yes, you and I can (and probably do) take larger, more effective steps, longer boycotts, etc. We need numbers, and that, I think, is the real value of this.

          • @Vespair@lemm.ee
            -118 days ago

            A million times zero is still zero. We gain nothing by entirely performative action. Start somewhere, but make it somewhere meaningful.

              • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
                117 days ago

                I suspect these types of actions are actually counter productive, because they take attention away from movements and causes that actually stand a chance of working, while having little to no effect on the business they’re targeting.

                There’s no way enough people took this seriously to move the needle on daily sales more than the regular sales fluctuations these stores would see.

              • @Vespair@lemm.ee
                017 days ago

                No thank you. I’m going to instead continue to rally against treating adults like coddled children and placating them in ways which dis-motivate them from actual collective action by convincing them that they’re already doing collective action. And I’m going to keep criticism bad ideas because good intention alone is not enough. I don’t give a shit about making people feel good or participating in the latest fun leftist trend, I care about meaningful impact.

                Feel free to block me if your find your feathers unable to be unruffled.

                • @Waraugh@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  -217 days ago

                  Why would I block you, you’re your own biggest failure. That you are willing to put it on public display is an amusing commentary to me. Tagged and followed.

                  • @Vespair@lemm.ee
                    217 days ago

                    And I have no interest in trolls looking to bait me with insults, so I’ll do us the favor and just block you from my side instead then.

        • @stickly@lemmy.world
          418 days ago

          Honest question, what is an accessible first step for a population that has basically never performed any collective action that isn’t performative?

          Is standing outside a local government building holding a sign to protest federal policy affecting change?

          In my view, at least this one day action has a marginal economic impact. Holding a sign on your lunch break so you can post some pictures to Instagram is way more performative.

            • @stickly@lemmy.world
              017 days ago

              I agree! So let’s all stop spending today to get people on board and save a few bucks, then use that momentum to pool that money the next day.

              People seem to dislike this protest because inaction is seen as ineffective and opposed to active protest. Its “too easy”, which puts a bad taste in their mouth.

              But on the other hand:

              • its dead easy
              • has no barrier to entry
              • has no regressive downside on those unable to spend
              • even partial participation can add up
              • is simple to communicate and organize
              • doing it for one day makes it easy to see how you could do it for longer. The hardest part of any diet is when you just start out

              If anything, I see putting the economic brakes on as allowing for more leverage and room to organize. If work is slow maybe you have more time to attend that protest; maybe you’re not in a rush to get back to the shop if it’s closed early.

          • @Vespair@lemm.ee
            418 days ago

            But it doesn’t have marginal impact. It has zero impact. Whether you spend money on Thursday or Friday, the bottom line is the same. We are starting from the false premise that this has any impact, when the smallest amount of critical thought renders that false immediately.

            Yes, get the hell out and stand in front of government offices with signs. Make noise. Be seen. Do anything other than pretending keeping your items in your shopping cart for one additional day has any impact.

            • @stickly@lemmy.world
              -118 days ago

              That’s completely backwards. It costs elected officials and our corporate overlords LITERALLY nothing to ignore your protest. It’s bad PR at best. Even then, manipulating news coverage, headlines and soundbites is second nature to these people.

              How long would an economic strike have to be for it to have an impact you won’t handwave away? There could be prepped food on shelves today that gets thrown out tomorrow. Do it over a weekend and no tickets get sold to a show. Do it for a week and logistics starts getting fucked up.

              Standing around and making noise without any other change to your lifestyle or attempting to organize your efforts is completely hollow. Not to mention, infinitely less accessible to people who can’t afford the time or don’t have the physical ability to attend.

              • @Vespair@lemm.ee
                418 days ago

                Do it for a week and logistics starts getting fucked up.

                Yes, change the entire nature and scope of the protest and it might be impactful, I agree with you.

                Do it over a weekend and no tickets get sold to a show.

                …do you think people are still primarily buying event tickets from in-person box offices same day?

                • @stickly@lemmy.world
                  -117 days ago

                  The point is that it has an impact that you’re arbitrarily ignoring. If you scale your sign holding and chanting up to 3 million people in a state capital then it might be impactful as well.

                  The key here is which of these is a more accessible and reasonable thing to ask people to do as a first action? Is it easier to organize 3 protests of 50,000 people in a month or have 500,000 cut their spending in half for a month?

                  • @Vespair@lemm.ee
                    17 days ago

                    But this continues to ignore the entire crux of the argument - if you’re supposed to give me $100 on Wednesday but don’t give it to me until Thursday, by Friday I’m still holding $100. Period. End of discussion.

                    I don’t know why we keep pretending there is more to this. There isn’t.

                    Again, my argument isn’t that scale and scope don’t exist, it continues to be that any number times zero is still zero. Period. You are being led astray into feeling impactful so as to dissuade you from meaningful impact. This isn’t harmless, and this isn’t without intention.

                    When politicians see you gathered outside their offices, you’re right, they can absolutely close the blinds and ignore you. But at least they understand you care enough to make a stand and they have to put in the intentional effort to ignore it. When the powers that be see shit like this first off they don’t even have to ignore it because it’s literally nothing and will resolve itself in the books literally in the same week. They don’t see people who care enough to take a stand, they seem people who wanted to participate in a trend.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        18 days ago

        Businesses tend to notice trends during economic upswings/downturns. To date, consumer spending has been steadily rising in no small part thanks to upward pressure on wages and inflationary pressure on prices. If we’re entering a recessionary spiral, you won’t need to have a “No Spending Day”. People will reflexively cut their spending when they lose their income.

        Something like this might have more teeth if it was paired with protest marches or sit-ins or other actions intended to signal that prices had run away from incomes. But that doesn’t seem to be the message this meme is sending. Nobody is getting encouraged to stand outside a Target and wave a big sign that says “Stop Bird Flu! Make Eggs Cheap Again!” or picketing an Amazon Warehouse over low wages and long hours.

    • @rational_lib@lemmy.world
      18 days ago

      I disagree with both the premise and the conclusion. Even if skipping corporate stuff for a day is only a mild inconvenience, that is still obviously not convenient. Second, there’s no reason to suspect convenience should strongly impact effectiveness. How much did it inconvenience anyone to boycott South Africa in the 80s?

      Maximizing effectiveness for unit of effort is smart. And when a tiny change in share price can make a big difference in CEO compensation, we’d be complete masochists not to use that in our favor. But also even if you’re into maximizing pain, if we wanna talk about permanently going after these corporations then it’s gotta start somewhere. And it’s best to start with getting people to do what’s easy.