The DHS quietly updated its policy manual earlier this month, removing LGBTQ+ identities from the section prohibiting surveillance based solely on immutable characteristics.

  • OneMeaningManyNames
    18 days ago

    This is some Gestapo/Stasi shit.

    Like, all queer persons must go beyond Signal/Tor level.

    This extends to the physical world: Plan ahead for escape routes and survival networks.

    I will come back with this angle but, REMEMBER those mfers who always said “the NSA does not target you, so asking about anything more than Signal is paranoid/futile if ever the NSA targets you”?

    REMEMBER that we said that some people have advanced threat models by default? Eg feminist activists, activists in third countries, queer people?

    WHO is paranoid now, that being queer, pro-Palestine, and/or climate activists can have you on the watchlist?

    This development only proves my previous points that the hordes of sock-puppets spamming the Privacy forum are fucking spooks. Pooping the conversation about advanced privacy and anonymity should qualify for permabans, IMHO.