• @grue@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        the mechanics were absolute shit

        Levitate on up to the top of my Telvanni tower and tell that to my face—oh wait, you can’t!

          • @grue@lemmy.world
            923 days ago

            Touché, but not even a horse can get you through a hole in the middle of a room’s ceiling.

            Also, there were other things that were mechanically better about Morrowind, such as its much more interesting/immersive fast travel system.

      • @HipsterTenZero@dormi.zone
        1523 days ago

        The absolute shit mechanics had some kernels of gold though. I loved my Fortify Strength 100 Jump 100 spell and my 10 chaingun lightning amulets. Very few games let you do properly weird stuff with magic.

      • @andros_rex@lemmy.world
        722 days ago

        Don’t run everywhere (keep fatigue bar at least half full). Don’t use weapon skills that are less than 40 (train them - there aren’t restrictions like in the later games).

        It’s closer to D&D than an action RPG. Your swing is like a “to hit” roll. The game cares about your character’s skill - not yours.

        I like Morrowind a lot mechanically - I like that the game will happily allow you to kill anyone you want (and with Taunt - you can do it legally!) You can complete the main quest after slaughtering everyone on Vvardenfell bar one person (the thread of prophecy might be broken - but a larger theme in ES lore is that we make prophecies happen).

        I like that the game is designed around the lack of fast travel. When I complain about fast travel in Oblivion and Skyrim, I hear “just don’t use it” but it isn’t really feasible (playing a Survival run in Skyrim and life just sucks if I have to go to Morthal).

        Morrowind’s world is just real and thought out in a way that I haven’t seen in a game since. The towns are designed around food sources, there’s a lot of thought into to the economies of plantation slavery, and it’s all used to enhance the world building.

        • @ryathal@sh.itjust.works
          322 days ago

          The fact you have to start your comment with multiple don’t do X things proves my point. As a story it’s great, but as a game it’s got a lot of problems.

          • @andros_rex@lemmy.world
            22 days ago

            The game tells you these things though. You have to pay attention.

            It’s an RPG before it is an action game. The mechanics align with that - you just might not like traditional CRPGs - which is fine, most don’t which is why Bethesda basically dropped the pretense of their games being RPGs by Skyrim.

            Edit: if you want the easiest time in Morrowind - a Redguard. Adrenaline Rush will get you through tough spots. If you’re impatient and willing to sacrifice optimization for speed (which isn’t really that much a big deal), take the Steed as your sign. The Lady is better for optimization and will save you money on bribes.

            If you want cheese: steal the lime ware plate on the shelves in the Census and Excise office right as you start the game. Drop it before the guard confronts you, pick it back up after he chews you out. Sell to Arrille, buy equipment matching your best armor skill/weapon skill. Hop over to Addamasartus, clear out, grab the moon sugar, sell to Ravirr in Balmora for one of his “Daedric weapons.”

            But really the purpose of the game is that you should be a low level dweeb for a while. Pacing is slower - if you’re going to do the Mage’s Guild - you should be capable of magic. Lots of those early quests are no combat/easy.

            It’s an experience about immersion. The gameplay and mechanics are built to facilitate this. You’re supposed to suck at first - that’s why Caius basically tells you to fuck off at the beginning of the game. You do end up with your god power fantasies at the end - by the time you’ve killed two gods and a pretender, you do get to run around one shotting everything. (Better than Sheogorath him-fucking-self getting ganked by a troll because its health pool is in the triple digits.)

      • @Wrrzag@lemmy.ml
        223 days ago

        Other than the roll to hit mechanic (which would be pretty cool if paired with parry and dodge animations), which mechanics were “absolute shit”?

        • @ryathal@sh.itjust.works
          -122 days ago

          The level up system was bad. The thrust/chop/slash system for weapons is awkward. Every attack costing stamina is bad for early characters. The excessive number of weapon categories, combined with short and long blades being the only ones that were common. The persuasion system was just bribe people to get what you want, or taunt them for free murder. Run speed being a skill, jumping being faster than running and being a skill as well (combined with the level system this can cause problems). Item durability in general. The encumbrance system, and containers having weight limits. The spell making and enchantment system had some cool things, but it was also trivial to break the game in multiple ways. The quest tracking and journaling was garbage. Alchemy was undercooked. Merchants had way too little gold so selling became annoying by mid level. The haggling quickly got annoying as you could sell at extreme markup or buy for nothing fairly easy. Magicka didn’t regenerate, so being a mage was annoying at early levels until you had sufficient potion access.

          There’s also some things that are more bugs I think than bad mechanics. Stealing from a merchant flagged every copy of an item as stolen from them. I once managed to make every redoran guard hostile to me on sight, which got really annoying.

          • @Soggy@lemmy.world
            422 days ago

            Almost everything you said is why I prefer Morrowind and replay it more than any other Elder Scroll. I don’t like how hand-holdy and forgiving most modern games are.

            The AI is obviously dated, some of the systems are underdeveloped, but stuff like the quest journal and athletic skills and how hard it is at the beginning if you aren’t careful or attentive are all major plusses for me. I want the weapon variety, I want the freedom to be anything but without the wishy-washy “you can be everything” style Skyrim has because they’re terrified of locking a player out of any content.

            • @ryathal@sh.itjust.works
              222 days ago

              You can be almost everything in Morrowind, just like Skyrim. If anything Skyrim actually locks a chosen play style in more due to talents. There’s a few more exclusive guilds in Morrowind, but they aren’t major for the most part. Just because you have spent the time to learn how to avoid the rough edges doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

          • @Wrrzag@lemmy.ml
            221 days ago

            I liked (and still like) nearly all these mechanics 🤷

            The only thing I modded out is the to hit chance, but I’ll leave it untouched in my next playthrough.

          • @Wrrzag@lemmy.ml
            121 days ago

            I liked (and still like) nearly all these mechanics 🤷

            The only thing I modded out is the to hit chance, but I’ll leave it untouched in my next playthrough.

    • JackbyDev
      422 days ago

      Couldn’t you just kill primary quest givers and be locked out of the game?

        • JackbyDev
          422 days ago

          A positive thing to be able to accidentally not be able to progress in the story?

          • @BradleyUffner@lemmy.world
            22 days ago

            A positive thing to let you experience the consequences of your actions. You are ignoring the fact that the game explicitly tells you when this happens, giving you the choice to continue if you like or reload a previous save if you don’t. It’s actually more forgiving than dying in most RPGs, which would force you to reload from a previous save.

          • @Soggy@lemmy.world
            622 days ago

            Yeah, it’s a more immersive and interesting world. I also prefer the quest journal over map markers, make you actually read and interpret shit instead of fast travelling to the nearest pip. You also can’t just be the boss of every faction, they have incompatible goals.

            And it does say when you break a main quest so you can revert your save. Just don’t be a murderhobo.

            • JackbyDev
              22 days ago

              I’m not ignoring anything, I don’t know what is and isn’t in the game, what’s why I asked.

              Couldn’t you just kill primary quest givers and be locked out of the game?