Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.

    2426 days ago

    I see this in every thread. He was a felon when he was running. People voted for a felon. The American people wanted a criminal in the white house. The guy all previous generals who worked with him warned against. 77 million people are responsible for these firings, plus whatever many stayed home and didn’t vote. His campaign promise was to replace everyone with loyalists.

            326 days ago

            I agree with the person you respond with. I haven’t voted for a Republican once and I’m very much here saying the people who didn’t vote “because the democrats didn’t give us a reason to” are as culpable… but I also live in a very red state and one of the few saving graces is in order to participate in the primaries one doesn’t have to be registered to a party. Something I’ve avoided, but also something the state is trying to get rid of. I’m seriously considering registering Republican just to keep targets off my back.

            Plus I think we may be passed elections anyways so those not “of the party” are likely to be targeted anyways.

        124 days ago

        His supporters are loud, proud idiots. We know who they are by their Facebook posts. They would use the open ballot to go after “the enemies”.