You know, DOGE, fascist president and corporations dictating what people can do, institutions being ruined, laws being ignored. Is there any way out of that or is it over? Is the USA done?

    7827 days ago

    I hate to say it, but yes. Everything we’ve predicted from trump has come true thus far.

    The insurrection was predicted

    The migrant camps were predicted

    The ice raids were predicted

    Roe v Wade was predicted

    Selling Giving Ukraine to Russia was predicted

    Banning DEI was predicted

    The list goes on but more importantly these were all seen as hypothetical worst case scenarios. We should stop treating the next steps like they are hypothetical. America has fallen, and civil war is next.

    Former presidents at least recognized they had the responsibility to take care of both the people who voted for them and the people who didn’t. Trump only sees the people who voted for him and the people he needs to make an example of.

    I hate to say it, but the DNC is weak and won’t help us anymore. I supported Kamala like hell and believed that they could figure it out but they just don’t and won’t.

    I’m not a violent person. I hate the thought that I’d ever be forced into a situation where I need to either learn how to fight or die (because right now I’m SOL). I never wanted to find myself rooting for assassins and feeling like the world would be better off of certain people were dead. I’d rather believe the world would be better off if certain people were alive.

    But all I see in the future is a federal coup backed by sycophants in the Senate and supreme Court that then collides with the governors of blue states who won’t bend the knee.

    TL;Dr if we don’t go full dictator, we are going to civil war, and we deserve it.

      3427 days ago

      Trump only sees the people who voted for him and the people he needs to make an example of

      Let’s not pretend like Trump gives a shit about the people who voted for him.

        1227 days ago

        Very fair take.

        That said he’s not a full on idiot. MAGAts are useful tools for him, so he is more likely to try and make them happy, in some way. Currently the way to make them happy is to punish the left. In our post 9/11 USA, rage is what flips seats.

        W Bush won his second term because we were blind with rage after the attacks, and John Kerry didn’t run a counter rage campaign.

        Obama won because the financial crash enraged the left.

        Obama won his second term because Romney wasn’t able to stir up the needed rage.

        Trump won because he was the embodiment of rage.

        Biden won by the rage we had for Trump in the summer of 2020.

        Trump won again by running a campaign of rage vs Kamala who ran a “campaign of joy”.

        We are a country of 50 mini countries. All you need to do to win is generate enough rage to pit purple states against the states who won’t vote for you. So long as this country stands as it is, this is just how it’s going to be. Sadly any diplomatic fixes for this are pipe dreams now.

        The only way this will end is when the fire of rage consumes the whole system and burns it down. After that… I don’t know.

      826 days ago

      Former presidents at least recognized they had the responsibility to take care of both the people who voted for them and the people who didn’t.

      I wonder if Americans are going to rewrite history to rehabilitate Trump the same way they do their other former presidents.

        326 days ago

        Should he allow for elections again he will be given the same reverence as Regan. I only found out about how much of a monster he was in Junior/ Senior year of highschool and I grew up in Lefty Godless Seattle.

          126 days ago

          When he dies in the not too distant future, he’s either going to be completely rehabilitated, or he’s going to be painted as the only bad Republican.

            226 days ago

            going to be completely rehabilitated, or he’s going to be painted as the only bad Republican.

            the only bad Republican? Nixon, Reagan, H Bush. None of those are given particularly great marks when covered in school.

            Where are you getting your information from?

        026 days ago

        rewrite history

        History is so full of rewrites that historians aren’t even in agreement on a lot of it.

        27 days ago

        Federal abortion ban

        Gay marriage ban

        Derecognizing trans people, oh wait that happened

        Reviving the war on drugs by forcing states to criminalize weed

        Ending the ACA

        Ending any and every environmental protection entity

        Ending the two term limit for the president

        Banning protests and strikes

        Criminalize being homeless, oh wait that happened

        From this (my sad, sad, crystal ball)

        Protests erupt, at first peaceful until live ammunition is used as a suppressant. From this radical groups will likely work with established gangs to create an insurgency. Governors will be forced to either comply with the federal government, or may choose to unite with other governors to defy the federal forces as they see the writing on the wall. It will be a legal battle at first, but then there will likely be an inciting event that will create an interstate crisis. This crisis will either divide state governments, force them under trump, or they will collapse altogether. The battle lines won’t be drawn on state lines, but rather between rural and urban territories. It will be more ethereal much like what happened in Syria.

        From an international perspective, the new Bloc of resistance (Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea) will use this chance to advance their agendas. Russia will absolutely support the Trump government, while China will invade Taiwan easily, and then try to keep America slightly stable but still as weak as possible. North Korea and Iran will likely send aid to the other members but not engage directly.

        Canada and the EU will have likely close their borders long before this as our alliance deteriorated due to Trump’s intense isolationism.

        If you thought Brexit was a shot in the foot, we just straight up pulled a pin on a grenade and put it in our pocket.

      526 days ago

      Whatever the Fed is now is going to be an existential threat to many people if it isn’t already. Governors will start picking sides I think. The Illinois governor made a pretty bold statement today.

      We have a surveillance state, though, and they control it and the narrative.

      People will need to get it together fast.

        626 days ago

        I live in Chicago now and I’m proud of our city for resisting so hard.

        With the ICE raids, Trump’s immigration thugs complained that Chicago is near impossible to work with because they are met with such fierce resistance. We’ve been prepped for how to deal with ICE, and Gov. Pritzker and Mayor Johnson have been helpful with that.

        The main complaint is that we all know our rights and ICE can’t just bulldoze through our city. Guess we’re the town of law and order 🤷

        Sorry NYC, your mayor is a chicken shit who would tattle on Anne Frank before the Nazis got to the door.

      326 days ago

      we are going to civil war

      We’re going to finish the existing Civil War. We vaguely, slowly stopped the south from having slaves, they replaced them with undocumented migrants. We let them put up statues, fly their old flags. Name military bases after their traitorous generals.

      This has all been fucked up for over a century.

        526 days ago

        I wouldn’t call the last ~150 years a civil war at all. Civil wars are much worse than that.

        But your observation that the split was never fully healed is fully correct.

        126 days ago

        “What do you think is gonna happen in a civil war? You think the army, marines, and coast guard are all gonna be on the same side? What do you think happens in civil war, that half this nation is clammoring for? It’s police departments against military, military against government, people forming their own militias against the police force. It’s the randomness of killing.”

        • Immortal Technique
          225 days ago

          Well, things used to be geographically separated. Now it’s red versus blue in the blue is all in the cities. It’s not going to be armies, it’s going to be Vietnam. And it’s not going to be organized.

    • When has the DNC last helped us regular people? I abandoned that sclerotic. spineless, feckless, ineffectual organization over a decade ago.