Just wish there were more transparency around counts and content engagement.

I firmly believe most influencer these day were propped up with payed views and botted engagement. Not that lemmy is the same but it all feels so dirty.

  • hendrik
    1 month ago

    It’d probably lead to lots of small drama and every disagreement getting to a personal level. It’s speculation at this point. I also think a decent chunk of people here aren’t able to behave nicely. I’m not sure if we should grant them additional capabilities.

    But it’s not like voting here on Lemmy were the pinnacle of technical advances… It’s an echo chamber for popular opinions and common and often uninspiring interests. I think we could change how it works, as it’s not super great in the first place.

      • hendrik
        1 month ago

        Uh, it’d need to be either a complicated algorithm. I mean I’m often not interested in meme pictures and political news. I’d like the one niche hobby electronics project to float to the top for me. And they’re just not so popular. So I don’t see how voting would work for me in the first place. The other thing that works very well is having separate communities for topics. I can just subscribe to the electronics, disregard the world politics. I think that already helps me half the way. Also multireddits(?) or seperate feeds help. And I don’t really have a good solution for the rest of it, yet. For the comments, i really don’t know. Lots of good answers here don’t even have any votes cast on them.

        • @JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
          21 month ago

          Well you didn’t ask but I’ll tell my solution anyway! No downvote button. That’s it! In my experience downvoting is almost always about opinion and almost never about the quality of the comment. It’s toxic. It’s the equivalent of shouting “Shut up!” and so obviously discourages more sensitive contributors from expressing themselves. It’s even technically a form of censorship because it makes the comment less visible. It’s useless and pernicious and I don’t get why we need it. End of rant.

          I agree with you about meme pictures. Personally I’d love a setting to block all images completely.

          • hendrik
            1 month ago

            Fair enough. There is one big upside with downvotes… And that is people can just click downvote and be done with it and move on with their day. I think that avoids some unhealthy conversations. And people really like to engage when they disagree. And it’s far easier to disagree with someone than to write a nuanced and positive comment. I think a simple downvote allows people to just vent instead of spamming, for some mild cases.

            Other than that I also don’t see a good point in downvoting. Sometimes it helps with spam, slop, misinformation and just stupid stuff. But we already have a “report” button for that. And I frequently get singular random downvotes on my comments. And that’s just annoying. I think regarding the voting mechanics, we’d be perfectly fine without downvotes.

            • @JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
              31 month ago

              people can just click downvote and be done with it and move on with their day. I think that avoids some unhealthy conversations.

              I’d heard this argument before but you must put it better because I now understand it. An off-ramp for sterile conflict, basically. Yep that’s fair and I never even thought of it.

              Still, fact remains that I personally have never (literally never) downvoted a comment. Which inevitably makes the downvotes I receive feel even more unjust. Can’t win!

              Slashdot’s system was a good compromise: no upvoting or downvoting, just labels like “insightful”, “informative”, “funny”, (uh) “troll” etc. At least that forces people to be honest about what they’re really trying to say.

              • hendrik
                1 month ago

                Hmmh, there are some ideas out there. Maybe we’d be better off with these more nuanced slashdot labels, or emoji reactions. I mean they’re not quite the same thing, but we have these emoji reactions on Github where you can give like 6 specific ones like thumbsup/down, a rocket, eyes … And I think some of the Fediverse microblogging platforms have them. It’s a step in that direction. The common argument against them is, we can’t calculate a ranking with nuanced choices and it becomes unclear how to sort the posts.

                And i still use some platforms entirely without voting. Like more old-school internet forums. I think they’re fine and fun to use. Sometimes they offer the ability to give stars or medals for outstanding comments. But other than that voting is pretty much absent. I think it immediately makes them loose the social media vibes. But it often changes the atmosphere for the better. But it’s probably really the result of several factors.

                I don’t know how to tie this up. Seems we agree, the current mechanics of Lemmy isn’t the pinnacle of evolution. Maybe one day someone implements a better concept. It might take some effort to make fundamental changes, since this is baked into the underlying Fediverse. But there’s lots of room for improvement left, in my opinion 😉
                (And it’d probably help lots of users if the ranking and sorting wasn’t just a blunt popularity contest.)

                • @JubilantJaguar@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  They’re usual for non-participants, IMO. When you’re a passive consumer looking for actual information or insight, the sortable comment score is what makes all the difference.

                  emoji reactions on Github where you can give like 6 specific ones

                  Forgot about that. Yes exactly, would definitely be progress.

                  I don’t know how to tie this up

                  Upvote and move on. :) But still, emojis would be better.