Top quality show for me.

  • relatable and interesting characters
  • original setting
  • good humor
  • 4 seasons with a satisfying ending

Definitely recommend

      3 months ago

      I have to agree. I’ve tried 2 episodes and don’t get it. Seems like a hallow, generic soap opera and devoid of any of the clever comedy of Schur’s other projects.

        13 months ago

        This is going to be a super weird request for a handful of reasons, the first being that you already abandoned watching it, but for some reason I am just super curious what your review in particular would be if you watched the whole thing, just for the sake of it now that you’ve said that, and came back to tell us. Other reviews be damned, something about your reaction to it is interesting for some reason, which makes your opinion of it in full compelling, if you’d consider humoring us. I’m serious.

      13 months ago

      A Man on the Inside is much more of a character and story based comedy then Shure’s previous work. It’s a lot less joke dense then The Good Place which was in turn less dense Parks and Rec. I mean I’d expect a comedy about grief, loss, and regaining a purpose to go at a slower pace and I found it lovely and clever, but it definitely not a “Joke Factory”. Your Mileage and all that but I got through the whole series in a day because each episode was sweet and cute, not because I couldn’t stop laughing.