Forrest Gump and Mrs Doutbfire come to mind, what are yours?

    52 months ago

    Care to elaborate on Mrs Doubtfire? Not sure I’ve ever watched it as an adult, and don’t recall it being dark.

      152 months ago

      Not OP and I think they are a bit wrong to call it being dark but it is shockingly more grounded an ending than the slapstick would imply the ending would be.

      Tap for spoiler

      Williams character gets caught pretending to be an old British hip hop granny, and the judge at the divorce custody hearings is rightfully disgusted at the idea of it and grants full custody to the mother and requests a psych eval.
      However, the mother realizes that her kids need the more fun aspects of their father in their life and William’s character realizes that he needs to be more careful with what he does, as he is expected to be a role model even if it is ok to be silly.

      It ends on the note that neither the mother or father were right for each and being back together is not possible with their different lives but that they are connected by a shared love of their children and being together and honest with what they can and can’t do for each other will make them all better. And they share custody every day after school.

      • Blaze (he/him)OP
        32 months ago


        Also the way Robin Williams treats the man his ex is dating

          22 months ago

          I think he expected it to be just more slapstick, allergy included, and then suddenly the move grinds back to reality. But I guess an allergy that kills a person is pretty dark. It’s definitely a sudden turn from the comedy movie Robin William’s character treats it like until it isn’t.