Dreams are basically simulations of our lives that we run, sometimes with different physical constants, resulting in different worldly behaviours. Fever dreams (not necessarily during a fever) are when we are sweeping over a range of constants, so behaviour keeps on changing.

  • Darth_Mew
    2 months ago

    no dreams are the “real” world where anything can be “created” and made to “happen” . I had a dream recently where for the first time I knew I was in a dream. I just flipped and said no way this is my dream and I thought “I’m going to fly” and I just lifted off like Superman and flew around for a bit then all of a sudden I flashed to my bedroom I was still flying above my body and suddenly like a dark “rope” or arm or something like that wrapped around my waist and yanked me backwards towards my bathroom. I was pulling on the door frame and trying to to get away then I woke up.