For those of you unaware:

This is by far the most unique shell out there, since it doesn’t use raw text as output/input to command line calls, but instead an actual data structure. It’s like if every CLI call returned a database table, in a way.

    22 months ago

    I use it as the default shell only in my terminal (with fish completion). You still have to deal with breaking changes and inconsistency. On top of that, you need to wrap a lot of your commonly used commands and tools to take full advantage of it. But personally I consider it worth learning and using. Not only do I hate working with raw text, I also love the visual and interactive data representation. And working with existing tools is honestly not a huge problem. It’s just what you’d usually do regularly. Obviously POSIX-compliant shells in combination with many tools like jq, too are already capable of nushell’s power. But I just like to have it included in the shell language, so I can work with the data more casual.

    I couldn’t tell you why you’d use it instead of Powershell. I just never tried Powershell on Linux.