ive been using/managing/fixing computers and servers for 40+ years. from old AS400 to full on cloud bullshit. i can remember only a single time where boot time mattered… when microsofts DNS failures caused servers to take 15 minutes to boot… other than that there hasnt been a single time it has ever been a problem or discussed as an issue to be resolved.

so why the fuck is it constantly touted as some benefit!? it grinds my gears when i see anyone stating how fast their machine booted.

am i alone in this?

  • @PeriodicallyPedantic@lemmy.ca
    92 months ago

    It used to matter more, back when cold booting was way more common, and leaving your computer on was way less common, and people didn’t have a computer in their pockets for most computer tasks.

    Kinda like how boot time on smartphones used to matter because people had to restart them fairly frequently.

    When there is a thing you want to do, and you have to wait for a a stupid machine to get ready before you can do it, it sucks.