Credit to my fiance with a special interest in evolutionary biology and the history of human domestication of other species (and who is also currently HIGH AS HELL).

  • ApeCavalryArt
    112 years ago

    I think there’s too much emphasis on primitive weapons as hunting and not enough on just walking until the thing dies (which wolves are also suited). Just relentless stalking, even if we’ve lost a limb we had to cut off our own body. Humans are like the monster in a slasher movie

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      112 years ago

      An even quicker option is to find a cliff and chase the herd off it. Have some of your folks run the herd toward a cliff, and the rest of them at the bottom with rocks to finish off the animals. The oldest blueprints ever found were of structures that would funnel animals to a pit or cliff so they’d be easier to kill.