Varsha, a 22-year-old arts and law student, says that the older generations think gen Z is weak, but the realities of the cost of living crisis, climate crisis, global unrest and social media make her 20s a game of survival.

    2 months ago

    tHe PoSiTiVe SiDe To ThE cOsT oF lIvInG aNd InFlAtIoN iS iT mAkEs My SuPeR aNd InVeStMeNt PoRtFoLiO iNcReAsE.

    tHe PoSiTiVe SiDe To ThE hOuSiNg CrIsIs Is It MaKeS tHe VaLuE oF mY nEgAtIvElY gEaReD pRoPeRtY pOrTfOlIo InCrEaSe

    WhAt? YoU dOnT hAvE iNvEsTmEnTs, YoUr OwN hOuSe AnD mUlTiPlE pRoPeRtIeS?

    sToP bUyInG cOfFeE aNd EaTiNg AvOcAdO oN tOaSt!"