Been through this before, so I know it gets better eventually, but what do you folks generally do to optimize beddy-bye time? To the insomniacs, what are some things you do in the wee hours/early morning for a relaxing start to your day?

This morning’s choice is checking out the music of Casiopea - saw them mentioned in a meme here recently, then later on saw one of my favourite gig spaces has a great local fusion jazz band doing a show covering them at the end of the month. Very chill, feels like menu music of a mid-90s Japanese 3D game in a very good way, lol. Funny how these things happen sometimes, kinda like seeing the car model you just bought everywhere on the road shortly after purchase.

    12 months ago

    I like easy tidying as a wind down activity. Mostly putting things back in their place. For bed, I have an ereader with warm lighting that’s been great. If I’m without it, something that calms my mental zoomies is practicing the alphabet backwards. I start forward with chunks, “abc - cba,” “abc, def - fed, cba,” etc. It keeps my mind active till I get bored and want to fall asleep.

    In my experience, and from speaking with others, taking a break from cannabis can mean remembering dreams more vividly. It might be worth leaning into that: write dreams down when you wake and think about them when you go to bed. I find if I try to think through a dream and build on it, it puts me in that dream-state and I drift off.

    Oh, and one last tip. Lights work better than alarms for some. So if you put a lamp on a timer, it may help normalize your wake-up time, if that’s an issue.

    Good luck!