Would anyone be willing to lay out their experiences with DAWs? Preferably free ones? I tried waveform, but I’m thinking I’m going to use Cakewalk. A lot of people say Reaper, but the UI seems lackluster. What do yo think?
Would anyone be willing to lay out their experiences with DAWs? Preferably free ones? I tried waveform, but I’m thinking I’m going to use Cakewalk. A lot of people say Reaper, but the UI seems lackluster. What do yo think?
I explained wrong. I do not have a midi drum controller, I just want to make a drum track with my mouse and can’t figure out how to find drums or if they are even there yet
Oh. The plugin you’re looking for is either a sampler or a drum machine. I prefer samplers, there’s a handy one comes with Reaper called ReaSamploMatic.
Either find some free VST plugin for a drum machine on the internet, or make one yourself using the sampler and some free samples off the internet.
I’ll explain how I do it and used to do it.
There’s a few ways to do that, my preferred way is this, it’s a bit hard to draw but it is way easier for mixing:
Now save the Drums folder as a template for future use.
A bit more easier setup, but I find it lacking a bit during mixing:
Your best friend soon will become Kenny from REAPER Mania YouTube channel, he has a truckload of extremely valuable content about reaper and music production, here’s one of the vids about creating a drum machine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZg1LFFhqms
He has a few good vids about drums, just look up “reaper Mania drums” on YouTube.
That sounds so complicated. Cakewalk has all the drum kit sounds on one piano roll. No need for multiple tracks within the same track
Once again, its just the way I prefer it. You can easily make it all drums on one roll, as I explained in the message to which you’ve replied…
When I first started using reaper, I followed this guide on drums setup
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWn4nUTRjrY
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K34kQBX2gKc
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFuR7K1HSNw