My cat has a new obsession: sticking his head out of the cat flap, seeing that it’s raining, staying still, coming back in, meowing at me like “Daaad, it’s raining” and starting the cycle again.

  • Christian
    3 months ago

    One time I got ready to head for grad school just like any other day and right before and I realized I forgot to close my shirt drawer and was like huh, I’ve never forgotten that before. Nine or ten hours later I get back home and Buddy has not come out to greet me, instead I see our other cat Oceanborn, who is quite antisocial. I walk into the bedroom and Oceanborn paces in front of the dresser meowing and my heart sank into my stomach when I realized what I had done. For just a moment I felt so awful but opening that drawer just to see him do an enormous yawn and then a stretch and then jump out all happy, there’s something to be said for moments of terror for someone’s well-being that instantly turn to pure comedy when you realize they’re fine.

    Black cat snuggled up in my black shirts. Later that evening I saw him use his paw to open the dresser drawer and hop in again, so it turns out he had just taught himself a new trick without having the decency to inform me about it.