Is it about popularity? The publisher of the game? Or maybe the quality?

    183 months ago

    Exactly this, it’s a within-industry term that has leaked out to members of the public. It simply means “we put a lot of money into this, and we expect to make a lot back (for our investors)”

    As for where the ‘A’ terminology came from then that itself is likely a reuse of other entertainment industry terms.

    In the old days when you released a record album, you’d put the best tracks on the ‘A’ side and the less popular ones on the ‘B’ side.

    Similarly, we talk about ‘A-list’ celebrities abs ‘B-list’ celebrities, and use the term ‘B-movies.’ to denote low budget.

    And so what happens wben something gets “bigger and better than A?” Well, you just add more A’s!

        23 months ago

        No idea if that specifically is related.

        But a lot of fields have convention of ranking A,B,C,D etc with A being better just because it’s the top/first.