He generally shows most of the signs of the misinformation accounts:

  • Wants to repeatedly tell basically the same narrative and nothing else
  • Narrative is fundamentally false
  • Not interested in any kind of conversation or in learning that what he’s posting is backwards from the values he claims to profess

I also suspect that it’s not a coincidence that this is happening just as the Elon Musks of the world are ramping up attacks on Wikipedia, specially because it is a force for truth in the world that’s less corruptible than a lot of the others, and tends to fight back legally if someone tries to interfere with the free speech or safety of its editors.

Anyway, YSK. I reported him as misinformation, but who knows if that will lead to any result.

Edit: Number of people real salty that I’m talking about this: Lots

  • @Aslanta@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Love that everyone on this thread is a financial analyst and a 501c consultant.

    For-profit companies have the margins they do because they’ve successfully detached humanity from their spending obligations. Wikipedia does not need to do quarterly global lay-offs or labor off-shoring when their technology doesn’t meet release deadlines. They are a nonprofit. They exist to bring factual, accessible information to the world. If you support for this cause, donate. If you don’t, don’t donate or don’t use. If you care for the cause but want the CEO to take a paycut, well, find them one who will stick around for more than a few years on less than the average mega CEO salary. Because most of them have not.

    • DigitalDilemma
      22 months ago

      Love that everyone on this thread is a financial analyst and a 501c consultant.

      So people shouldn’t have an opinion unless they’re professionally qualified? I’m not sure that’s how the internet works.

      And also, people absolutely should check how their money will be spent when they consider donating. It’s their money, remember.

      If you support for this cause, donate. If you don’t, don’t donate or don’t use.

      I get that, and it’s often true I think. But when the thing that they do that you use and like is such a tiny part of their spending, is it still true?

      I care about Wikipedia’s website. I would donate to that. I don’t care about the other 90% of the things they would spent my donation on. Should I still donate?

      • @Aslanta@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        If you’re asking that question because you’re genuinely conflicted about donating and you’re not just here spreading divisive nonsense on behalf of Elon Musk, you could do a deeper delve into the entire foundation or look up the Wikipedia page on Income Statements.

        You seem to be hung up on the operating expenses. That’s just a finance term for certain operational costs like the electricity bill and insurance. It does not mean the total of what it costs to run the organization and that everything else is in excess. Similarly, salary expenses includes everyone from the HR department to the custodians, not just the rich CEOs.

        • DigitalDilemma
          12 months ago

          As I explained, I was going to donate. I did my due diligence about where my money would go and made my decision. I provided the link to Wikipedia’s own declared for the benefit of others and shared some of my reasonings elsewhere in this post.

          But in your world, anyone who questions anything is a shill for Musk? Or just those who hold a differing opinion to yours?

          salary expenses includes everyone from the HR department to the custodians, not just the rich CEOs.

          No shit, Sherlock. But where did I mention CEOs? Where did I mention Musk, come to that?

          Anyway, I’m done arguing with you. Goodbye.