Life does a lot, normally figures out how doggy works, but sorry for the language. If anyone here has worked in a cooler before, not just walk in fridges for restaurants or such I am looking for advice. They inquired about boots. I assume I need gloves, but what am I forgetting? ChapStick? Unknown? Please share and if you know what is cheap to acquire maybe recommend what you know. Thanks.

    34 months ago

    Composite toe and shank boots instead of steel. The steel will conduct cold to your feet. They might not even be needed, soft toes might be fine. Might need to be a half size bigger than normal because:

    Layered socks. Thick polypropylene from WalMart work fine. Thin inner socks, polypro if you can stand the feeling, cotton otherwise. Change inner socks at break.

    Long underwear bottoms and your work pants should be OK.

    Layers for the torso. I always use a vest for one of my layers at work because it keeps my core warm and lets my arms move better.

    Hat. A thin beanie, called a “watch cap”. You might need to wear a hardhat and the thin cap that doesn’t cuff will fit under it.

    • @LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.worldOP
      24 months ago

      The guy I saw back there had a beanie and his hood up on his hoodie, anything there would be a good idea for me. At 35 I’ve got that bald pattern starting to form in the back of my head (like the circle) and thinness on top. Mostly genetic, but a shitty diet and life habits I’m sure accelerated it to occur earlier in life.

      Either way, no insulation up there haha.