Contrary to my distaste for them, but I wouldn’t mind advertisements now and then. By now and then, I mean, like once every other hour or if they’re displayed in a way that isn’t obstructing. Obviously that is not how they are these days.

I know companies need to still get out there and be known but I do not need to know that much and I don’t really care of your business if I have to hear, see and have spoken to me of it at every single turn. I would especially love it, if everything wasn’t a paywall to not see any.

Advertisements are just simply a disease.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    154 months ago


    Used to be that even avant-garde artists knew their shit and could create actual, beautiful pieces (Like Duchamp).

    Now, people use an AI generator or duct-tape a banana to a wall.

    The art world sucks.

    • Captain Aggravated
      164 months ago

      Went with a girl to an art gallery.

      An entire wing of sculpted busts of…random people, some carved from wood, others from what I’m sure I was supposed to think was marble. Not being a sculptor myself I have nothing but awe and wonder at the skill of carving such lifelike figures by hand and eye.

      Another wing of landscape paintings. A relatively small piece caught my attention, the canvas was maybe 10 by 8 inches and captured a scene overlooking a jungle at sunset with a distant waterfall, yellow and green trees, a vivid orange sky, someone saw something beautiful and decided to write it down.

      Another wing, this time of modern art. The piece that stood out to me was the featureless 4 by 6 foot panel of blue felt in a simple aluminum frame bolted to the wall, like a school bulletin board before the teacher put anything on it. The person whose fault that was definitely went to art school and has business cards that say “Artist” on them. I bet they even stood in front of it and talked about it to other people.

      It’s gotten so dumb that people will accidentally leave a coke can on a bench in an art gallery and other people will take pictures of it as if it’s a display. I’d argue that the guy who intentionally left a shoe in an art gallery to demonstrate this effect was making more relevant art than the pieces actually displayed there, he at least had an idea in his head.

      • SanguinePar
        44 months ago

        By that logic though, as long as the person who made the blue 6x4 had an idea in their head, it would count as art, no?

          • SanguinePar
            24 months ago

            Fair enough. Doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good art - just like the blue rectangle, it depends what the artistic intent was, and how well it was carried out.

    • kossa
      24 months ago

      Well, then again, after the banana news broke I taped a leek to a cupboard and the whole family had a good mood for two days, like “oh no, burglars are gonna raid our home now that we have this expensive piece of art”. I can appreciate a well crafted painting for its handywork, but it usually would not make me laugh.

      I went to the London MOMA like 15 years ago in the middle of winter. There was this room with an exhibit, which just was a big chair and a big table (like you could walk under the chair and the table was higher than your usual ceiling). The whole room was bigger in volume than any flat I ever had, and heated so that you wouldn’t need a jacket. And I don’t know what the artist meant by it, but to this day it is an example to me that our society, which spends resources on THAT, could easily solve any other problem, but just collectively decides not to. And again, it is not very complicated to build a big table and chair, but I don’t remember any painting 15 years after seeing it in a museum ¯\_(ツ)_/¯