Like, I love thrash/death/heavy metal music, but I could mostly do without the vocals. Is there a genre of music (or specific bands) I should look for?

I’m a big fan of Arcturus, Children of Bodom, etc, but I prefer the instrumentals way more than the singing.

So, is there a specific genre for that?

Edit: Imagine Silent Night, Bodom Night but without lyrics. It’s not that I dislike the vocals; would just appreciate the track more without them. It’s like they’re just in the way of what I want to hear.

Edit 2: Thanks, everyone. I have heard of Animals as Leaders but am not super familiar with them. Will definitely check them out as well as the other recommendations.

    4 months ago

    You might like some of Haken’s heavier stuff. They’re primarily prog but they go hard, too.
    Try the album Vector and the album Virus.

    From Virus i recommend you try the song Prosthetic
    and the song Messiah complex V: Ectobius Rex
    From Vector I recommend you try the song Puzzle Box
    and the song Veil

    Their new album Fauna is really good and has a good mix of different styles which includes heavy elements as well.

    Come back if you like them I will recommend more!

    🤘 Haken! 🤘


    It’s also okay if you don’t like prog, i recognize it’s too different for some. lol

      54 months ago

      Haken (pronounced “hay-kin”) is fucking awesome. They have a pretty wide range of sound too so most people who like metal I think would enjoy their songs.