JD Vance said that ‘American power comes with certain strings attached’

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  • @frozenspinach@lemmy.ml
    04 months ago

    This is completely insane revisionist history. The TPP was in fact ripe for ratification, with full support of American ratification from its international partners, but was logjammed in the United States due to a Republican Senate.

    The reformed TPP is similar to the original one and only exists to work around the loss of U.S. as a participant. And the U.S. never rejoined. There’s a grain of truth to the thing about farmers, at least, but good gravy, this is otherwise pretty nuts.

    • Maple Engineer
      24 months ago

      You were right. The US never rejoined.

      Trump ordered the US to withdraw from the TPP because the partners refused to agree to one sided, anti-competitive, anti-consumer protections for US industry and a one sided, US centric dispute resolution process which the US would ignore when it lost.

      The patnership is up and running and functioning as intended and US farmers continue to moan about the fact that they lost access to the TPP market. The Brookings Institute wrote an interesting article about it.