These might be the good old days. Go outside, feel the grass, say wassup to your neighbors,… whatever you do that means community, because sh*t might get bad for a while.

      234 months ago

      They didnt blame the left. They blamed people who didnt vote. Be they left, right or middle. If you didnt vote you are the problem. If you didnt vote Harris you are personally reaponsible for the coming fascism in america. You are responsible for project 2025 becoming reality.

        54 months ago

        And most of all we can blame the DNC for being so shit, that people preferred Trump over their choice.

          14 months ago

          And that really is it. The only ones to blame here are the Democrats! They are the ones who insisted on funding genocide and taking every opportunity to prove they’re moving ever further to the right (which they are) for the sake of courting so-called moderate Republicans, and constantly spitting in the face of genuine progressives that are supposed to be their base.

          “You had better vote for us because Trump is even worse!” is the only sincere response they had for anyone concerned with their inaction on everything important from women’s rights to climate change, and their actively trying to be even worse than Trump on things like deportation and the border! It’s no wonder that people who care about these things, people who care about other people being literally genocided, didn’t want to vote for the Democrats who made a show of how much they love sending money and weapons to the genociders.

          Yet so many people here even in this thread don’t want to blame the responsible party - the Democrats themselves - but instead lay it all on the people who absolutely have good reason and every right not to want to vote for these people hurting them just because the other guy might hurt them worse. That’s deeply abusive. Everyone who is saying “Fuck you for not voting!” is sickening to me. It’s bordering on victim blaming. They should be saying “Fuck you for not being remotely worth voting for!” to the Democrats! The fact that we now have another 4 years of Trump is 100% the fault of the Democrats themselves, so direct your anger at them, where it belongs.

            -14 months ago

            No one has good reason to choose fascism over democracy. The non voters and third party voters did exactly that. They are the same kind of scum as MAGA and will go down in history as exactly that.

              -14 months ago

              The choice was fascism A or fascism B. If you think we had a choice for “democracy” in this country you’re pitiably deluded.


              They are the same kind of scum as MAGA and will go down in history as exactly that.

              What you’re saying is “marginalized people who were given a choice between which flavor of oppressive regime to vote for but didn’t choose the one I wanted them to, they’re scum and deserve whatever is coming to them and worse.” Nah, you’re the one leaning into fascism here. It’s frankly disgusting.

                04 months ago

                If you think democrats are fascist you are as dumb as I imagine non voters to be. You have a Trump who is openly calling for the execution of his opponents and on the other side a Harris who wants to work together with political opponents.

          14 months ago

          Most of all we can blame the voters who dont care about their democracy. No matter what the DNC did. If they have a fascist as an opponent they should win

        -24 months ago

        Fascism was already in America the moment Biden gave Israel funding for the genocide and the Democrats threw all sorts of social issues under the bus. “Not fascism” in the current state of the country was not a choice, the only difference was how fast fascism would accelerate. The Democrats chose to make their platform boring in favor of donors and lose, and the fact that so many people support Trump shows that this country has much bigger problems than just that Trump was elected. This is a problem that needs much more than just voting to fix.

          24 months ago

          You dont know what fascism is if you think it is Biden supporting Israel. Lmao but you will find out soon enough what it really is.

          But thanks for proving my point that idiots dont mind fascism. You dont even know what it is!

            4 months ago

            Genocides? Concentration camps? Racial discrimination and dehumanization? Israel has all of these things and Biden is propping it up. If that isn’t fascism then what is?

              -14 months ago

              Biden is not a far right totalitarian with an ultranationalist ideology. We cam argue that Netanyahu is, sure. Biden isn’t.

              To not vote Harris because she would also support Israel probably is idiotic seeing how much Trump supports Israel since Trump is very close to the same ideology that Netanyahu has.

          74 months ago

          We can blame both. People like you who enable fascism by not voting for democracy and the fascist, idiot. If you didnt vote for Harris you deserve everything Trump is going to do to you. And I say this as someone who doesnt like Harris and thinks it was stupid to replace Biden this late in the race.

      94 months ago

      A gorilla just broke out and is ripping people’s dicks off, but people somehow blame the people who say that we shouldn’t cage gorillas in the first place.