Here’s my 100 most listened to albums on for reference of what my taste is like, don’t let that stop you from recommending me things you think I won’t like though I’m trying to expand my horizons.

I also like listening to small artists, I write a series of artist features all about people less than a million Spotify listeners so if you have any recommendations for that lmk.

    65 months ago

    I share a lot of those albums in my top listens! I highly suggest any album by the Avalanches (there are only 3.) Start with Since I Left You, then Wildflower, then We Will Always Love You. They’re a group from Australia that kinda popularized Plunderphonics. Where they just bought a TON of old records and made songs purely from samples. Since I Left You is an amazing album that is pure samples, easily over 1000 samples were used.