Privacy advocates got access to Locate X, a phone tracking tool which multiple U.S. agencies have bought access to, and showed me and other journalists exactly what it was capable of. Tracking a phone from one state to another to an abortion clinic. Multiple places of worship. A school. Following a likely juror to a residence. And all of this tracking is possible without a warrant, and instead just a few clicks of a mouse.

      5 months ago

      Yeah, I could, but it’s a perfectly valid line of conversation to critique a post’s title.

      There’s a reason we have the saying, “Always judge a book by its cover, and judge a response by it’s grammar”

        05 months ago

        Yeah, I could, but it’s a perfectly valid line of conversation to critique a post’s title.

        I don’t think laziness is a valid line of criticism. I also find it strange to critique a title separate from its intended context.

        we have the saying, “Always judge a book by its cover, and judge a response by it’s grammar”

        I don’t think that’s a very common idiom. It seems to imply that pedantry is more important than substance.

          -25 months ago

          It seems to imply that pedantry is more important than substance.

          It’s certainly more common; I mean, we’re on a social media platform that incentivises it.

          For the vast majority of people DooM scrolling these days, they want a quick dopamine hit. And influencers want those upvotes in quantity, not quality.

          Knowing that the defacto message of a given post is its headline, we need to have a conversation about proper standards and dark patterns.

          Click baiting isn’t the kind of baiting for which I came to the internet, and it doesn’t keep me coming again, so why put up with it?

            05 months ago

            Lol, you can’t confirm it’s click bait unless you read the article…

            None of your critiques are valid, as the substance of the article is congruent with the messaging in the title.

            You’re just being lazy.

              05 months ago

              I’m not just being lazy; I’m providing justification for my laziness. We should be calling out clickbaiters and other manipulators, not taking them as part and parcel to online discourse

                15 months ago

                But your “justification” is based on feels…

                The article goes into great detail supporting the substance of the title, meaning it’s not click bait or manipulation.

                You are the one attempting to manipulate people by claiming that the title is something it’s not.

                  15 months ago

                  I think you mean to say, my “feels” are based on justification!

                  Btw abortions rock, I’m responsible for my fair share, but I think using clickbaiting as a weapon is bad, even when it’s for good causes. There’s a reason we have the Jenova Convention, after all

                    15 months ago

                    I think you mean to say, my “feels” are based on justification!

                    Is English your second language?

                    Btw abortions rock, I’m responsible for my fair share,

                    I dont think that’s the brag you seem to think it is?

                    but I think using clickbaiting as a weapon is bad, even when it’s for good causes

                    You haven’t explained how you think this is click bait… Something doesn’t automatically become click bait, just because you think it’s over an excitable topic. That would make all headlines click bait, based on the subjectivity of the observer.

                    “something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest”

                    There’s a reason we have the Jenova Convention, after all

                    Lol, it’s like I’m talking to an AI that’s done way too many whippits.

                    The geneva convention, is an agreement pertaining to how soldiers interact with civilians during times of conflict. It has nothing to do with what we’re talking about.