There are few things quite as emblematic of late stage capitalism than the concept of “planned obsolescence”.

    2 years ago

    At a guess - they’re likely selling those laptops at a loss and making the money back on (hopefully) service contracts or (probably) selling your data. As soon as you install a custom OS they won’t support you (so you won’t buy support) and they won’t be able to sell your data.

      12 years ago

      That doesn’t really add up. If they would sell them at a loss, they would want you to use them as long as possible.

      12 years ago

      Sorry for the late response, I’ve been wading through my inbox to get back to most :)

      That’s gotta be why they make it so damn hard to uninstall ChromeOS… I like that Linux is being popularized more, but I hear whispers from the F(L)OSS community in my head that Canonical and Microsoft are one in the same. Its a bit confusing some of the rhetoric surrounding certain companies and software other than the blatantly obvious like Microsoft or Google, but I’ll never quite understand programmer “martian”…

      Have you worked on chrome books before and swapped the OS?