Putin Signs Gender Reassignment Ban Into Law - The Moscow Times
www.themoscowtimes.comPresident Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a controversial law that bans legal and surgical sex changes, a move that deprives transgender Russians of the right to access gender-affirming services. The law, which makes "medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person" and "the state registration of a change of gender without an operation" illegal, was swiftly passed by both houses of the Russian parliament earlier this month. The law also bans individuals who have undergone gender reassignment from adopting children and annuls marriages in which one of the partners is transgender. It enters into force immediately upon its publishing on the government website.
Another giant can of worms is deciding which individuals get to choose what to do with their bodies.
You already can’t have a doctor amputate your healthy limb.
That’s not what’s happening. No child under 18 is receiving any surgical services to transition.
If you are talking about adults, fuck right off with that. Men have their tits removed all the time to conform more to their idea of gender, and women have both removal and additions to the same. That’s not to mention the plethora of other cosmetic surgeries available to consenting adults.
This shit is 100% because regressive troglodytes need a Boogeyman, and no one is scared of generic gays anymore, so they needed a smaller subsection of the population to rile the masses up without risk that they might be friends already. Y’all are losing the culture war, so you want to make sure everyone else is as miserable as you are so that you can point to suicide rates and blame us for your abuse.
But they can get hormone therapy that will stop forever their development phase, not to mention all the side effects (they never mention the permanent side effects nor even the risk of getting side effects, for what i saw is about 60%, but take that with a pinch of salt). They are children, they ARE NOT ready for that choice, like they are not ready to smoke, get a tattoo or own a firearm. It’s just common sense.
EDIT: almost forgot to say that in some states children can get hormone therapy without parents consent. This is absurd.
Absolutely false. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075
Look, you may have been lied to. Whoever or wherever told you this is permanent is using your anger and well placed desire to not see people get hurt to push their own agenda.
Please read up on this from non-right wing news sources. Medical sources, and direct stories from patients both young and hold. See how this stuff actually impacts people, because the points your making are well crafted astroturfing.
Well if you take hormones during puberty this will stop body development. And if you change your mind later and stop taking hormones your body won’t grow because time has come.
If only a doctor would amputate your head, so you could stop filling the world with your ignorance.
What I’m saying is that you already can’t have a medical professional do whatever you want on your body. Can’t even sell your organs!
Yes, but transgender medical care is actually seen as a medically necessary procedure for certain people. If your arm had to be amputated for some medical reason, would you use the same argument as you do for transgender people?
You ever heard of liposuction? Botox? Nose reductions?
yeah, what a shame lol
There have been cases of individuals with BID (body integrity disphoria) that have had perfectly healthy limbs removed. Gender reassignment surgeries are also a replacement, not just an amputation. At the end of the surgery, the patient will still have perfectly working genitals, just ones that don’t damage their mental health.
Perfectly working genitals? You can’t be serious??