One campaign official says staffers are relieved that the former president has largely isolated his social media presence to his own app Archive link

    321 days ago


    8 - The left is the mainstream media, the coastal elites, the woke mob, the invasion of immigrants, etc. These are all powerful forces that must be stopped.

    14 - “fake news”, “the woke mind virus”, demonization of “CRT”, “LGBT”, “DEI”, etc. Also note Trump’s vocabulary - he speaks like a middle schooler.

    4 - maybe, sometimes. But the mob-like mentality of Trump’s supporters cannot be ignored.

    And just because progressives share some aspects does not mean that MAGA doesn’t. MAGA is fascism, dude.

      120 days ago

      I’m still trying to grapple with progressive language taxonomy.

      How did the term fascism all of a sudden become revived linguistically to simply mean “conservative”. Back to point #14 on the reinvention of language.

      “Tankie”. This one is fun. Is it derived from video game language “tank”? Someone or something who can soak up a lot of hits? It doesn’t sound derogatory because of this, but rather congratulatory. Are progressives using this term because of its association with military tanks (and hence, militaristic fascism)?

      Enshittification - Noteworthy to me how this has come to only be used in progressive left spaces. Rightists, despite also observing the gradual worsening of tech, for whatever reason do not have this word in their lexicon. I am familiar with Cory Doctorow btw, and have been to some of his talks.

        120 days ago

        Conservatives use fascist to describe their opponents just as much as leftists. Doesn’t change the fact that Donald Trump is a literal fascist.