• Flax
    -37 months ago

    I don’t remember being 1 or 2 years old. You saying it’s okay to murder me as long as I don’t remember it when I’m older or something? 🤣

    The difference between a foetus and bacteria or ants, is that a foetus is human. Bacteria and ants aren’t. I cannot believe we’ve stooped to this level of immorality.

    • MentalEdge
      7 months ago

      You saying it’s okay to murder me as long as I don’t remember it when I’m older or something?

      One could make that point, but no.

      Infanticide being a crime does not compromise the body autonomy or health of another conscious human. Criminalizing abortion, does.

      The difference between a foetus and bacteria or ants, is that a foetus is human. Bacteria and ants aren’t.

      This is a false distinction. Why is human life more important than other life? What elevates a small collection of human cells above an equivalent number of insect cells?

      I cannot believe we’ve stooped to this level of immorality.

      I could say the same. This sentence serves no purpose, and will convince absolutely no-one that your sense of ethics is more developed than mine.

      • Flax
        -17 months ago

        Abortion isn’t “bodily autonomy” Your body doesn’t automatically have a miscarriage on a whim. It’s inserting an instrument into a woman’s body and destroying another person who’s in there. Human life is more valuable than human life. We literally eat animals. Again, the fact I have to explain to someone that killing another person because you don’t want to face up to the consequences of your actions, and no, killing a person isn’t the same as killing an animal, shows how far we’ve regressed.

        • MentalEdge
          7 months ago

          You have no idea what you’re talking about.

          A collection of sells that may or may not even have formed neurons yet, is not a person

          consequences of your actions

          And there it is. You want women to be punished for the crime of having sex. Or being raped. Or having a condom break. Whatever.

          You’re a misogynist asshole with no argument.

          Human life is more valuable than human life.

          I think you meant to claim that undeveloped fetuses have more rights than women.

            • MentalEdge
              7 months ago

              Those are some world class assumptions you are making about me.

              Pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood are traumatic and giant commitments that should NEVER be dropped on anyone by chance.

              Comparing accidental parenthood to accidental death or injury is fucking stupid. Those things do not involve a massive avoidable physiological process that ends in suddenly becoming responsible for raising a new person and/or somehow seeing to it that they live a good life.

              Parenthood can and should be planned, and 100% avoided if necessary. Abortion is, and must continue to be, the last way out.

              Thinking otherwise is monstrous.

              • Flax
                7 months ago

                You’re the one who made assumptions about me first calling me a misogynist.

                Contraception is the last way out. Use it.

                • MentalEdge
                  7 months ago

                  At least I made some reasonable leaps in logic.

                  Calling someone who wants to guarantee women one of the most basic rights a human should have, a “nazi”, is a bit a jump, eh?

                • MentalEdge
                  7 months ago

                  And when it fails? Or when you get raped at fourteen?

                  No-one is saying abortion replaces contraceptives. But it HAS to be an option. The alternative is simply unacceptable.

                  Your way is how you get a lot of unwanted children sired by the unprepared, irresponsible, young, sick, stupid, impoverished, insane and criminal. At worst, all of those at once, severely derailing the lives of parents and child alike.

                  You completely ignore the fact that where an accidental pregnancy occurs, and a happy ending is possible, good parents aren’t going to choose to abort.

                  And that by closing that option off for the rest, forcing unprepared parents to commit, you bring a bunch of kids into a existence in all the places where they weren’t wanted and prepared for. That doesn’t end well for anyone, least of all the child.

                  And you might wanna double-check who your are voting for, because a lot of “pro-life” lawmakers are also anti-contraceptive.

        • MentalEdge
          7 months ago

          Also, look up what body autonomy means. It doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.