stock pixel os had a feature where you could “pause” unnecessary apps. any way to do that? on graphene os currently. I already use saver tuner on extreme, but I don’t need Google play services, or my email, or any of that. manually disabling the app also removed it from the home screen which is less than ideal. thanks guys. basically I’d like to reduce it down to SMS, call, music, browser

    77 months ago

    The display is going to be the biggest battery hog, always. So keep the dark mode on if you have an OLED screen. Additionally, battery drains really fast when the phone is searching for a cell signal/low signal. So consider turning on VoWifi if it is possible.

      27 months ago

      And remember for VOWiFi, some carriers require you to also enable it on their own website in your account–of course to eat up your data if you don’t jump through the hoop.

      17 months ago

      Yes, and make sure that the background in dark mode is really black.

      On some apps you have “Dark mode” and “Amoled Dark”. Make sure to pick the amoled dark.

      For me it made a huge difference in battery life.