• @Pacattack57@lemmy.world
    -128 months ago

    They are the face of the company. If they are shit at communicating it will affect share prices which could end a company. They have to say the right things at the right times or they could potentially break laws by saying the wrong things.

    There’s a lot of stuff they need to know and it’s not cheap to get that knowledge.

    • @exanime@lemmy.world
      148 months ago

      I love all the vague, ambiguous examples that say nothing.

      I mean, the Intel CEO just literally quote the Bible… I guess you need a lot of education for that

      Look, I understand you can’t get a high school dropout to do this job, but can they really justify earning 10000x more than other people in their companies? Are they 10000x more valuable??

        • @exanime@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          I believe so as well, and it would be a true representation of their value to the company

          Throw in some nice perks like a company car with driver, and a nice expense account as I imagine they have tons of business meals to be generous

      • Ephera
        48 months ago

        Look, I understand you can’t get a high school dropout to do this job, but can they really justify earning 10000x more than other people in their companies? Are they 10000x more valuable??

        Everyone here is talking past each other. There’s one crowd raging that CEOs do literally nothing, which is objectively untrue. When that is pointed out, people assume it to be an argument that these CEOs should be paid that much, which it’s not.

        CEOs do things. If they’re non-shit, they’ll work significantly more hours than normal workers. No, that does absolutely not justify paying them magnitudes more. Their salaries are inflated, because publicly traded companies pay them that much.
        Because while the effort a CEO puts in does not match the salary, the impact of their work does so more closely. As in, if they’re doing a bad job, the losses for the company will far exceed that salary.
        More importantly, though, you want to keep one CEO for as long as possible. Even if their strategies are mediocre, constantly changing CEOs and therefore flipflopping between strategies is worse.

        • @exanime@lemmy.world
          28 months ago

          When people say “literally nothing” I just assume they are exaggerating and adjust it to “nowhere near enough to justify their salaries”. No need to argue that point.

          The issue here is that if they do a bad job and lose a shit ton of money, they’ll just get a golden parachute and live but ruin another company later, and this is the worst case scenario. But if you do a great job under said CEO, you’ll get a pink slip and a 1 finger salute

          The entire game is rigged for them, heads they win, tails we lose

          So, even agreeing they some some work and said work could be important, I still hold zero sympathy since they don’t need it, and definitely do not deserve it

    • @TriflingToad@lemmy.world
      108 months ago

      I can’t even tell you who the CEO is off the top of my head, if they’re the face of the company they’re doing a bad job

    • @mycodesucks@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      If they are shit at communicating it will affect share prices which could end a company. They have to say the right things at the right times or they could potentially break laws by saying the wrong things.

      I notice, very glaringly, you didn’t mention a SINGLE thing about the company running efficiently, being profitable, producing something of value…

      It’s not that the company could end if it doesn’t do well at what it does. It’s that the company could end if fickle, short-term focused asshats aren’t happy, and to keep them happy, you need a head fickle, short-term focused asshat at the helm.

      God, I wish every company could just be private.

    • @OfficerBribe@lemm.ee
      68 months ago

      If that’s all there is, it sounds like you just need good legal and marketing department and someone who is attractive to deliver their script.

      • Ephera
        28 months ago

        Nope, they aren’t. The Mozilla Corporation, which does Firefox development and has the CEO position that everyone’s talking about, is a 100% subsidiary of the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, which is the organization that you can donate to.

    • KillingTimeItself
      08 months ago

      i dont even fucking know who C suites at mozilla, i havent even googled their company in years to see if they even still exist. The only sign of life from this company is when i update my system and firefox also gets updated.

      Also, it’s pretty cheap to get that knowledge, just don’t ever say anything that might lose you money.