I’m one of those who work 5 days a week to earn a living. We have our vacation days to enjoy whatever we want to do in life, but we still need to go back to work because people like me will struggle in life if we lose our job.

So I’m curious how some people like the guy in the video can travel around the world for almost a year without working. There are also other vloggers out there who left home to go on a travel and they are still young. Do they already have savings enough to support until they retire?

    1 year ago

    Here in Germany we have a concept called “sabbatical year”. I think it actually comes from the US, where it was/is a thing for university professors.

    Rare in the private sector, but I think civil servants that work for the government have a right to it, if they so chose. Especially “Beamte”, which is a special form of lifetime appointment. That for example also includes teachers in some states, which is one of the professions where it is more common.

    One model how it may be structured is that the person either works more or takes a pay cut for a number of years and then has 1 year free. For example taking a pay cut of 1/7 for 6 years and then have 1 year free at the same pay. That also means that you take a pay cut during the whole period. But that is definitely doable.

    The upside of this structure is that you have a job to go back to. And since you also count as employed during the sabbatical year it doesn’t mess with things like health insurance