Trying to discover new/unheard Linux desktop programs (Sorry for the confusion).

Edit: I apologise for confusing a lot of people. I meant Linux desktop “programs” coming from Windows/Mac. I’m used to calling them “apps”.

Edit: 🙌 I’m overwhelmed with the great “programs” people have recommended in the comment section. Thank you guys.

  • Ramin Honary
    10 months ago


    Emacs is an app platform in and of itself, and the vanilla installation comes with dozens of its own apps pre-installed. Like how web apps are all programmed in JavaScript, Emacs apps are all programmed in Lisp. All Emacs apps are scriptable and composable in Lisp. Unlike on the web, Emacs encourages you to script your apps to automate things yourself.

    Emacs apps are all text based, so they all work equally well in both the GUI and the terminal.

    Emacs comes with the following apps pre-installed:

    • a text editor for both prose and computer code
    • note taking and organizer called Org-mode (sort of like Obsidian, or Logseq)
    • a file browser and batch file renamer called Dired
    • a CLI console and terminal emulator
    • a terminal multiplexer (sort-of like “Tmux”)
    • a process manager (sort-of like “Htop”)
    • a simple HTML-only web browser
    • man-page and info page browser
    • a wrapper around the Grep and Find CLI tools
    • a wrapper around SSH called “Tramp”
    • e-mail client
    • IRC client
    • revion control system, including a Git porcelain called “Magit”
    • a “diff” tool
    • ASCII art drawing program
    • keystroke recorder and playback

    Some apps that I install into Emacs include:

    • “Mastodon.el” Mastodon client
    • “Elfeed” RSS feed reader
    • “consult” app launcher (sort-of like “Dmenu”)
      10 months ago

      I’ll stick with nano over Esc+Meta+Alt+Ctrl+Shift, thanks. I mean, it’s an interesting operating system, but too bad its default text editor sucks.

      (This from someone who used to use “pull the power plug to exit” vim…)

      • Ramin Honary
        10 months ago

        Of course people who pull the power plug to exit Vi would be the type of people to confuse app platforms with operating systems.

      610 months ago

      Was gonna recommend Emacs, myself, but looks like you got it covered! Emacs is an amazing tool and is worth the journey

    • Papamousse
      510 months ago

      It comes also with a doctor, you can invoke it with “M-x doctor”. I discovered Emacs in the 80s, used it a lot in uni in the 90s, Emacs is a religion, or an OS, it’s so powerful it’s incredible. Nowadays I’m mostly using code for coding, or simply nano for small scripts/text.

        210 months ago

        Doctor, Doctor, my brother thinks he’s a chicken!

        Too much fun! Like many other Comp. Sci. students, I spent way too many hours trying to get Eliza, an automated psychiatrist from MIT, to say something shocking. Weizenbaum, the developer, “was surprised and shocked that individuals, including his secretary, attributed human-like feelings to the computer program.” In this sense AI is nothing new because Eliza passed the Turing Test in 1967.

        • Papamousse
          110 months ago

          80s/90s was the good old time, no web, only irc, gopher, usenet, things like this

      • Ramin Honary
        10 months ago

        Emacs is a religion, or an OS

        Philosophy is a subset of religion, and there is a definitely an Emacs philosophy about making absolutely all software hackable, and controlling the computer using text.

        App platforms are a subset of operating systems. People confuse the two because most app platforms are inseparable from the operating system on which they run. But some software, like the Web, or Java, or to some extent .NET/Mono, are app platforms that run the same apps across multiple operating systems. Emacs is an app platform.

      310 months ago

      How do you think one should get started with Emacs? Should they start start with regular GNU Emacs or should they install one of the “distros”?

        410 months ago

        Honestly, just download/install from your package manager and then start using it. One of the best built-in modes is called Org mode. Don’t try anything crazy because it’s easy to get overwhelmed. It took me some periods of stopping and starting before things felt natural and became my daily driver.

      • Ramin Honary
        210 months ago

        How do you think one should get started with Emacs? Should they start start with regular GNU Emacs or should they install one of the “distros”?

        I always recommend using the default setup for any software. The same goes for learning GIMP, Krita, Blender, FreeCAD, or whatever else, even though you can customize them all to your liking.

        It is usually a good idea to try and learn the workflow that was intended by the people who developed this software, you could learn something from trying to use the computer in the same way that the professionals do. Same for Emacs: professional software developers have used it for almost 50 years, the default keyboard shortcuts are set the way they are partially for random historical reasons, but partially because they often make a lot of sense.

        If you are interested, please check out my blog series on getting started with Emacs, called Emacs for Professionals