Are comments no longer visible for anyone else using the youtube frontends? I can no longer see comments with either invidious, piped, or viewtube, and I’ve tried several instances of each. With invidious there’s just nothing there below the video description. With viewtube I get an error message. And with piped I see placeholder text “Avatar, null, -1 replies” in place of every comment. The last one is kind of funny actually, and better than most comments anyway.

I’m assuming youtube/google did something fucky again to try to dissuade people from doing what they can to escape their bullshit and hopefully viewing the comments on videos will be back to normal when the frontend devs make it work again in a couple days. But I figured it would be worth checking here to make sure it’s not just on my end. Then again, it will probably be better for my sanity and my struggle not to descend into sheer misanthropic hatred if I just never read youtube comments again.

    • merde alors
      1 year ago

      the first thing i do with any yT frontend is disabling comments. When i was on linux desktop i used to zap them with uBlock. Why would anybody want to read them?🤷

      sethMeyers started torturing himself with yT comments during covid lockdowns in Corrections. It’s fun to see somebody ridiculously engaging with that cesspool 🤣