“Kenny just began to gasp for air repeatedly and the execution took about 25 minutes total.”
Pretty compassionate way to kill a person.
Once again, the Law in the south is brutal.
“Kenny just began to gasp for air repeatedly and the execution took about 25 minutes total.”
Pretty compassionate way to kill a person.
Once again, the Law in the south is brutal.
78% of the air you and everyone breathes is nitrogen you dumb shit.
And that’s why, when you remove that critical 21% of oxygen, your body doesn’t realize it’s suffocating. You breath normally but pass out really quickly since your brain has nothing to burn.
Some reporter from Salon, or Wire - some big site like that - participated in a controlled nitrogen hypoxia experiment on himself, and wrote about it. It was really interesting, but search engines are flooded with that Alabama execution, and I lost interest in searching for it.
If you can find it https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228865 is a good watch. It covers other methods, but it becomes clear how fast, effective, and painless nitrogen asphyxiation can be, as the presenter has to receive assistance in order not to die while attempting to get close to the experience (without dying).
It’s also a bit sad, as it makes it clear that for at least some capital punishment advocates, suffering is a desired part of the outcome.
I’d like to avoid death, but I can foresee a potential future when my quality of life is negative and no amount of volunteer effort can bring it positive. If that happens, I’d like to opt-in to mortality via inert gas (probably nitrogen) asphyxiation.
If we must have capital punishment, inert gas asphyxiation seems to be the best known way to do it. I’m not convinced we must have capital punishment, tho.
Nice! I hadn’t seen that.
People are going to need to die in controlled ways; whether in believing some people should be murdered by the State, or in believing people should be allowed to end their own lives, there are few Americans who don’t fall somewhere outside of the set of people who think there is never a case for controlled human death. Most of those people are probably Amish, or some branch thereof.
Alabama clearly fucked this one up - I guess that’s what happens when you drive all of the STEM folks out of your state. There was no reason - other than wanting a person to suffer, as you said - for it to have gone so wrong. Justified or not, if I were to ever find myself in that chair, asphixiation by
nitrousnitrogen is absolutely the way I’d want to go. And that’s the most basic measure of humanity we need: do unto others.Edit: typo
I agree with you but please note it is nitrogen, not nitrous, being discussed.
But – nitrous (N2O) is more fun and has just as little usable oxygen – zero
For easy access to an inert gas at-home, try a helium tank from the Party Store
Yeah, that was a mistype. I mean, nitrous might be fun, but I meant nitrogen.
Thanks for pointing that out!
Found on Vimeo: link
If download preferred: via swisstransfer.com
What are you even hinting at? That breathing 100% nitrogen is fine??
Fun fact for friendly posters: companies that make gas detectors use lots of nitrogen because it’s a great “zero” gas. That is, 100% dry nitrogen equates to “nothing there” on sensors for all kinds of gases.
Including oxygen sensors! Did you know in air they measure 20.8% and in nitrogen they measure zero point zero?