• Hello Hotel
    1 year ago

    If this is /s its verry funny and asys somthing interesting, im frustrated that the thread has fallen into a false dichotomy,

    Its not ‘not okay’ in the same way its ‘not okay’ to cut off someones leg because thats unamniguiosly being crippled. (Good spoof though!) its amniguiosly immoral.

    • Yeah a better analogy would probably be female genital mutilation but americans generally aren’t familiar with that.

      The real issue is consent. I get that parents consent for their children, but that doesn’t mean the parents are correctly predicting the kid’s preferences.

      It’s just a strange practice that we do in america, not due to religion, but due to … reasons? Cleanliness? “I want my son’s cock to look like mine?” it’s weird as hell, but accepted for some stupid reason.

      • Hello Hotel
        1 year ago

        female genital mutilation

        okay… wow.

        circumcision is a harder to understand, wrapped in the cloak of medical hospitality to be blunt, its a different form of female genital mutilation.

        I believe its a remnant from old Christianity (Judaism?), where it would mark and/or purify the child in some way. If I’m not mistaken, the god of Abraham communicated that things like sacrificing lambs and other rituals isn’t useful as a sign of good will.

        but yet this literally unholy practice remains to this day.

        to be absolutely fair, mom said yes, telling me the doctors said there was some kind of health benefit, somthing about infections.