• sparky@lemmy.federate.ccA
    4 months ago

    This is a bad take. Canada is a country with a strong democratic tradition. Comparing them by reduction to Hitler and the Nazis precludes any constructive discussion about their actual failings. It is simply not the case that a country who sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives to stop the Nazis is “built upon fascism”. Starting your comment this way immediately disqualifies any good faith discussion about their poor history of First Nations policies.

    • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      Really hitting us with the “but they fought the nazis” revisionism, topped up with downplaying the indigenous genocide. Why do cc instances suck so bad? EDIT: Ah you’re german, that explains the huge blind spot. Either way, don’t want to engage with you. Bye bye.