Basically every sea monster cryptid. There’s so much shit down there we don’t know about. Guarantee many many many of them are over exaggerated yes but there has been more than one case of a sea monster cryptid turning out to actually just be a real creature. Fucks me up
Basically every sea monster cryptid. There’s so much shit down there we don’t know about. Guarantee many many many of them are over exaggerated yes but there has been more than one case of a sea monster cryptid turning out to actually just be a real creature. Fucks me up
Iirc oar fish and giant squids were cryptids
You are correct about oarfish and technically giant squid. Though the giant squid was heavily exaggerated in its cryptid form
Angler fish reproduction has entered the chat.
Shit’s like something out of fucking Alien.
Speaking of Alien, there’s the ol Moray Eels with their pharyngeal jaws …
🎵 When the jaws open wide
And there’s more jaws inside
That’s a moray 🎵