Thousands of purveyors of neo-Nazi tunes just had their day ruined by a crew of enterprising Scandinavian anti-fascists.

      1 year ago

      No. There’s no plausible deniability here. These bands’ whole gimmick is that they’re Nazis. It’s not some catchy tune you randomly heard on the radio. There is nothing subtle about it. It’s racist songs with racist lyrics. You would have to seek it out to listen to this garbage.

      51 year ago

      You are defending the indefensible, would you give the benefit of the doubt to a p*do ring too? They are fucking Nazis, have been open about this for three decades they sell Nazi paraphernalia, they host Nazism bands. You accidentally listening to Celine Dion once doesn’t compare.

      People are indeed becoming unhinged with all this misplaced tolerance: fascists need to be dealt with straight away, we have so many examples in history about what happens when you hive them the benefit of the doubt. I can’t believe this site’s been up since the 90s.

      11 year ago

      I’ve listened to songs with suicidal lyrics, I’m not suicidal

      A song with “suicidal lyrics” is not even remotely comparable to the albums this site sells, which is why they don’t need a dedicated pro-suicide website to sell them on.

      Would you rush to defend an album put out by ISIS, that pushed the agenda of ISIS, with all profits going to ISIS?

      It’s getting exhausting seeing people become increasingly unhinged and justifying it because “well, they’re baddies.”

      Then maybe you should explain your exhaustion to the group responsible for their overwhelming majority of mass shootings, who openly celebrate the killing of black and LGBT+ people, rather than someone you’ve decided isn’t appropriately sad that neo-nazis got exposed for doing a thing they did.