It’s that time again Lemmings, and no apologies for that image. The My Chemical Romance cover is better.
Don’t forget to clear your Liftoff cache. Liftoff currently does not have an auto clear cache feature.
For those who don’t know how, Android instructions are below
- Long hold the Liftoff icon and select App Info
- Select Storage and Cache
- Press Clear Cache
Feel free to share your cache size and not compare our addictions.
Don’t hope too much. The project looks dead or stalled due to maintainer not giving news.
If not updated, once your Lemmy server gets on version 0.19 the app won’t work anymore.
A pretty good app which also has post search is Thunder. Tho it doesn’t have the same account switching capabilities.
Tho post editing in thunder is still not released.
Main dev had twins so no doubt he is sleep deprived at the moment. But you are right, with 0.19 on the horizon liftoff may be dead in the water.
Just went looking for it and found this on thunders GitHub: “Login to multiple accounts/instances, and switch between them”
It can do that yes, but Liftoff is so much better on that point. It can show and switch the account used to view a post effortlessly.
On Liftoff, I can search a post with a, then switch to my account to up vote it or whatever.
There was a commit 3 days ago so it’s still alive. Live in hope!
Looks like an automatic commit for an auto update of a library.
Honestly, I still cannot figure out how to post with thunder… Maybe I’m missing something but when an app doesn’t have a submit a post feature I cannot recommend it.
The only other app comparable is Eternity imho. Also there still is voyager for your respective instances. I frequently use which is amazing
Press the i surround by a circle on the right side when in the community view. The new post button is there.
Otherwise enable the floating action button.
Thanks so much! For me it was such an anti-pattern that the create post button wasn’t available on the main screen!
Currently thunder got so much better for posting. On the main feed or community feed, you have the blue or whatever color button at the bottom left. Clicking on it will hide the already viewed posts. But sliding it up will show more options, and the new post option.
Thanks! Honestly I spent about 5 mins trying to find it and gave up. It was “hidden in the shadows.”
If you go into the settings floating button, you can customise what it does when you press it or long press it for feed and comments.
By long pressing on the available options you can set press or long press to them (just clicking on the options will disable or enable them with the switch).