JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of surgery at Gaza’s largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. “Listen,” said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.

          361 year ago

          Didn’t happen in a vacuum though, did it.

          Do not confuse me saying that with sympathising with Hamas. It is possible to recognise that both sides have bloody hands, and have done for decades.

            -191 year ago

            Can you explain what you mean by “Didn’t happen in a vacuum”?

            Best I can figure is that you disagree with the act itself, but agree with their motives or desires. But I really don’t want to assume, and would prefer to understand from you.

            • Evkob (they/them)
              321 year ago

              If I keep poking you in the eye for decades, wouldn’t you eventually get tired of it and punch me in the face?

                -111 year ago

                Both sides have been punching each other. There needs to be an independent party here, like a two state solution. Guess which side rejected that though?

                • NoneOfUrBusiness
                  151 year ago

                  Guess which side rejected that though?

                  Israel? I wrote a big-ass comment talking about this before so I’ll just copy and paste from it.

                  Oslo accords: Negotiations were progressing until Rabin got fucking assassinated by a Zionist terrorist, at a time where the Israeli right was actively calling for his assassination. Netanyahu, who came in his place, called the whole thing off.

                  Camp David: The then-Israeli foreign affairs minister stated he wouldn’t have accepted the offer if he were in Arafat’s place. The Israeli offer was that bad, and they weren’t willing to compromise.

                  The 2008 Olmert offer was mostly behind closed doors so nobody actually knows what was going on (both sides blame each others for not following up on negotiations), but from what we do know the offer included keeping an unacceptably large part of the West Bank (about 10% by the Palestinian calculation).

                  2014 offer: The American envoy stated that the blame for the failure of the negotiations (not an offer, since Israel didn’t actually offer anything) lied squarely on Israel, and specifically Netenyahu. That’s how uncooperative Israel was.

                  And that should be all peace negotiations with Israel since the Oslo accords. The idea that Palestinians rejected peace is pure Israeli propaganda.